From: Ivan Ladislav Galeta
To: objava radova galeta
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2006 9:01 PM
Subject: e-mailart 42

e-mailart No 42
by ivan ladislav galeta 


vrec rpeko davdesedtevet cilkusa vrtualni artivist  iavn lasidlav gatela besrepkidno korpa svadi zalijeha njegnuje plijeni i urabi plododsovje artkivnosti i svo to boze tovremeno dokumenditra u oceskivanju da ga ne boob da ribil nom krisom pa i vlazenim stajnjem koje biga kronacno oslo budio biljezelja ove njegore samodopojimljive vrtualne artivisticke artivnosti jer cemu tej okul prost izem kanda svevid s mir is om opipljivime shum om i uvid om se ne moru obijesniti na ex her 

allready over twanty-none cyclass vrtual artivist jack ladyslave galaeta incessantly showell watther cheirish weed and hardwest aye plod resperspective worx and all that templerary notation reason abeygance gift from the haven with the plentyfull shower and with this blissfull mo who on the and will exculpatide notaplantion this his rasistless gartrener artivistic artivity whereflore bahause its ocul intended tism since flavour miris touch murmur and insight does not dangle on the wehole

urodilo: sto trinaest lukovica pod zemljom i sjemenkama iznad

- nekoliko će ih biti darovano
- nekoliko ide u donaciju
- nekoliko ce vrtformer zadrzati za svoje osobne potrebe
- nekoliko ce ih zivotnosti radi u jesen opet posaditi
- tri ce biti hiberaberirane u tranplanentnu plastiku prisjiecanja radi
- jedna će od njih biti ponudjena na aukciju aukcijskoj kuci Sotheby’s - predlaze se pocetna cijena od: 0€

one hundred thirteen bulbs beneath the ground and seeds above have yielded

- a few will be given as gifts
- a few will be donated
- the gardentrist will keep a few of them for his own sake
- a few will be replanted in the autumn for the sake of vitality
- three of them will be hypernated in plastic for the sake of remembering
- one of them will be put up for auction at sotheby's
- the opening bid is proposed to be set at:

opskurni snimak                             in self                                  transcendental snap

raspon                                              myself                                                   span

cesnjak                                            out self                                                    garlic

lukovica na dlanu                               on self                                   bulb on the palm

sustine                                            self self                                            maatrixes

Ponovo Vas molim, u koliko Vam ovim svojim radovima
opterecujem elektronsku postu i ne zelite je dalje primati,
da me o tome obavijestite.

I ask you again to let me know
if my works represent an unwanted burden in your mailbox
and you want to be taken off my mailing list.

Ivan Ladislav Galeta